The plasma asher was first used to remove photoresist, which is made of organic compounds, used in the microelectronics industries. The role of the plasma asher follows the process of the plasma etching of wafers. Plasma ashing systems are environmentally friendly due to the fact that they don't require any harmful chemicals. Another major application of plasma ashers is its use for asbestos detection. Thierry Plasma offers plasma systems for any application, and is one of the top plasma distributors in North America. Customers of Thierry Plasma are purchasing the best, customizable plasma systems available.
Surface Modification
Surface modification may be necessary to improve adhesion of coatings, to remove organic and inorganic contaminants, and to create hydrophobic or hydrophilic surfaces. Printing, bonding or coating polymers can be difficult to accomplish because polymers are generally hydrophobic. Surface modifications, with Thierry plasma technology, solve this problem by increasing the surface energy and wettability of plastics. The use of plasma is a very effective process used in modifying the surfaces of a material. This type of surface modification is also an environmentally-friendly option. Plasma technology does not compromise the bulk properties of the material. A more specific application of plasma technology is the treatment of polystyrene. Plasma is used on polystyrene lab-ware to increase the chances of cells attaching to the surface. Polystyrene, like most polymers, is also hydrophobic. After surface modification with plasma, the surface becomes hydrophilic and is much more likely to allow cell attachment.